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More than 30 000 students

Over 300 programs

82 internatinal partners

Students from more than 75 countries

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Dear friends!
It is my pleasure to welcome you to the new website of one of the largest universities in the South of Russia - Kuban State University. Kuban State University is a university with a rich history, well-established traditions and recognised achievements. Its high status, confirmed by numerous awards, and established image as a leading educational, scientific and cultural centre of Kuban Region have brought the university fame and recognition both in Russia and abroad. Today there are about 28,000 students studying at Kuban State University, including students from 65 countries.

As a classical institution of higher education, Kuban State University is confident about the future and is looking forward to new accomplishments. Students of Kuban State University are worthy of their alma mater: they receive scholarships, win international and all-Russian contests, creative and sports competitions. Every day graduates of Kuban State University confirm the high status of the university diploma, which ensures their rapid career growth, professional success and achievements. Among the most distinguished alumni of the university are writer V. Likhonosov, businessman S. Galitsky, governor V. Kondratyev and many others. You will learn about all this and much more on the portal of Kuban State University.

Mikhail Astapov, Rector of Kuban State University