In the Kuban State University, a scientific and practical conference devoted to the Pushkin’s Day – International Day of Russian Language – was held on the 6th of June. The members of the conference were the representatives of the partner universities from Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan, foreign students and KubSU’s alumni, and also connoisseurs and researchers of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin’s creative work.
The conference was initiated and held by Russian as a Foreign Language Department (RFL) of Philology Faculty in a hybrid format (on/offline) with a view to securing, supporting, strengthening and evolving Russian language as the nationwide property of Russian Federation’s people, a means of international communication and an essential part of cultural and spiritual heritage of the world civilization.
The conference was opened by welcoming speeches from Dean of the Faculty of Philology at Kuban State University, Professor Zhirkova Evgenia Alekseevna, Head of the Department of Russian as a Foreign Language, Professor Abramov Valery Petrovich, Deputy Director of the Department of International Relations Rayushkina Irina Vladimirovna, RFL Associate Professor Kuznetsova Olga Ivanovna.
The creative work of A. S. Pushkin and its meaning to the world culture was discussed by Niyazalieva Rakhat Anarbekovna, Dean of the Faculty of Russian Philology, Kusein Karasaev Bishkek State University (BSU, Kyrgyzstan), Bimbetov Alymzhan Utarbaevich, Head of International Relations, Teacher of Russian Language and Literature, Nukus State Pedagogical Institute (NSPI, Uzbekistan), Brigitte Dressler, 1982 graduate of the Faculty of Philology, KubSU, Candidate of Philological Sciences (Germany), Jindrich Kesner, Candidate of Philological Sciences, researcher and expert in Russian language and literature (Czech Republic), etc.
The particularly noteworthy speeches were made by the exchange students of KSU and its partner universities from Kyrgyzstan (BSU) and Uzbekistan (NSPI), who inspirationally read the poetry of the great poet and participated in a quiz, dedicated to the literary creative work of the poet.
Alexander Pushkin is often called ‘a founder of the modern Russian literature language’. However difficult his literature works may have been to translate; the poet has a lot of admirers all over the world. The literary creations of the Russian poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin is priceless. His creative works unite people of all ages, religions, nationalities, and they are translated to dozens of the world languages.
“We all are different, we all have different dreams, interests and lives, but we all are united by Russian language and culture,” the participants of the conference noted.
Today more than 260 million of people speak Russian. Russian language is one of the six official languages of United Nations. It’s learned by foreigners who strive to comprehend the mysterious Russian soul. Perhaps, there is no country in the world, where no one read or know our great writers, philosophers, artists and scientists, who created the worldwide fame for Russian literature and culture by their genius creations for hundreds of years.
As a result of the conference, it was decided to establish an annual «International Pushkin Conference».