The modular strategic meeting From Science to Industry was held in Krasnodar from 1 to 21 December. The session was organised by the Autonomous Non-Commercial Organisation of the South Scientific Centre with the expert support of the Analytical Centre under the Government of the Russian Federation.
Within the framework of this strategic meeting, breakthrough solutions aimed at technological transition were developed, which in turn will allow solving the existing problems in various economic sectors, as well as preparing human resources, which will ensure the sustainability of the new technological mode of the economic sectors in the regions of the South of Russia.
During the event the participants defended the industrial project initiatives prepared by their teams. The main goal of each team was to create a portfolio of projects along the main lines of scientific and technological development defined in accordance with the strategy of socio-economic development of Krasnodar region until 2030.
A total of 10 presentations were made in the defence process in the thematic areas: «Digitalisation, robotics, new materials and production technologies», «Clean energy», «Modern medical technologies», «Innovative agro- and aqua-farming, breeding, plant protection», «Technologies and technical means for production of safe and quality food and food ingredients», «Security systems and technologies», «Historical and cultural heritage», «AgroTech», «FoodDesign» and «AquaTrack».
Kuban State University was represented by Maria Tereshina, Doctor of Economics, Professor of Public Policy and Public Administration (Historical and Cultural Heritage Department), Vera Minenkova, Candidate of Geography, Head of the Department of Economic, Social and Political Geography (Historical and Cultural Heritage Department), and Alexei Abramchuk, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Head of the Department of Water Bioresources and Aquaculture (AquaTrack Department).
The strategic initiatives developed during the meeting will be presented to the federal executive authorities of the Russian Federation at the round table «From Science to Industry» planned by the Analytical Centre under the Government of the Russian Federation in Moscow in January 2023.
After the defence of all projects, an award ceremony for the participants of the strategic session was held, presided over by Viktor Anisimov, Director of Kuban Science Foundation.