The Institute of Geography, Geology, Tourism and Service of Kuban State University together with the Department of Economics of the Krasnodar City Administration launched the «School of Tourism and Recreation Design 3.0: Tourism Management’ for university students. The project was launched at the Boiling Point of Kuban State University.
As part of this school, Kuban students will generate new ideas in the field of tourism development and work on their own projects in this area on a weekly basis. At the end of this work, all projects will be defended to a panel of experts. The winning projects will be analysed by the Municipal Economic Department with a view to their further implementation.
During the work of the «School of Tourism and Recreation Design 3.0: Managing Tourism», the students will work on three case studies provided by the Municipality’s Economic Department:
— City brand. A logo does not equal a brand;
— Events: Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter;
— Digital technologies in tourism.
The results will be announced in May 2023, after all the projects have been defended. Winners and participants will receive valuable prizes and diplomas.