On November 17, Kuban State University hosted the Olympiad in Russian among foreign students, which was attended by foreign students of 6 universities in Krasnodar: KubSU, KubSMU, KubSTU, KubSAU, KubSUPEST and KGIK. The event was held in the format of the online festival «The Song of Friendship is sung by youth», dedicated to the International Student Day.
Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Quality of Education, First Vice-Rector of KubSU Temyr Hagurov, Deputy Director of the Department of Internal Policy of the Administration of the Municipal formation of Krasnodar Georgy Pronkin, Director of the International Affairs Department of KubSU Galina Govorova, Dean of the Faculty of Philology of KubSU Evgeniya Zhirkova addressed the participants of the Olympiad with a welcoming speech. The importance of strengthening the position of the Russian language, popularizing and increasing interest in its study in the world in a new geopolitical situation, and supporting talented youth was noted.
The Olympiad has been held annually for more than 20 years with the methodological support of the Department of Russian as a Foreign Language of Kuban State University as a part of the implementation of the activities of the subprogram «Harmonization of international relations and prevention of terrorism and extremism» of the municipal program of the city of Krasnodar «The development of civil society». The main objectives of this traditional event for KubSU are to realize the creative potential of students, increase the interest of foreign youth in communicating in Russian, the formation of tolerance and new international contacts, as well as strengthening friendship and mutual understanding between representatives of different nationalities.