The International Winter School of Young Scientists «Debatable issues of international and regional security» was held at Kuban State University on February 7-13. The school was held in a hybrid format within the framework of the project «War, Peace and the World in European Security Challenges (POWERS)». This project is aimed at creating and developing the Jean Monnet expert network and is carried out with the financial support of the European for Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency. It is implemented by a consortium of Russian and foreign universities. The project started in 2019, when nothing foreshadowed the drastic changes that would occur in the world a year later. Academic exchanges and internships happened to be unavailable for a long period. Now the project participants have found new formats of activity, have conducted series of events remotely, thus continuing to fulfill their mission to develop scientific diplomacy.
Representatives of 8 partner universities took part in the work of the International Winter School of Young Scientists: University of Seville (Spain), University of Göttingen (Germany), University of Kore-Enna (Italy), University of Bordeaux (France), University of Amman (Jordan), Perm State National Research University, Voronezh State University, Kuban State University, as well as a number of Russian scientific and educational organizations (IMEMO RAN named after Primakov, St. Petersburg State University, RUDN, Astrakhan State University).
The School program included lectures by leading scientists on the problems of the project. The speakers were Associate Professor T.A. Romanova from St. Petersburg State University, Professor Paolo Barjacchi from the Italian University of Coreanna, Professor Martin Tamke from the University of Göttingen (Germany), Professor Caroline Dufy from the French University of Bordeaux and Professor L.A. Fadeeva from PSNRU.
During two thematic sessions, 22 young scientists presented the results of their research and received valuable recommendations. Two master classes were also held within the framework of the School: the head of the Department of Public Policy and Public Administration, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor I.V. Miroshnichenko told about scientific grant design, and the deputy head of the Russian Expert Council Scopus N.G. Popova shared information about the preparation of articles for international journals. In addition, Associate Professor of the Department of Applied Linguistics and New Information Technologies, Deputy Director of the International Affairs Department of the Kuban State University I.V. Rayushkina presented an educational module on the importance of international academic cooperation for national security, developed within the framework of the project.
The final meeting of the School was devoted to the presentation of new books, which was held by Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences I.S. Semenenko (Primakov IMEMO of the Russian Academy of Sciences), Professor L.V. Smorgunov (St. Petersburg State University), Professor K. Dufy (University of Bordeaux) and Professor A.P. Romanova (Astrakhan State University).
The International Winter School of Young Scientists ended with an award ceremony: Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and Quality of Education, First Vice-Rector of KubSU, Professor T.A. Hagurov and the project coordinator Professor E.V. Morozova presented certificates to the participants.