In 2024, the Expert Analytical Center presented an annual Rating of Entrepreneurial Universities and Business Schools in Russia with an assessment of their performance and potential in terms of technological development.
In 2024, Kuban State University took 38-43 place. The authors of the rating note that this study contributes not only to the formation of an idea of the most effective trajectories of entrepreneurial development within the university walls, but also helps to track bright graduates who have launched globally visible startups.
– In total, the availability of innovative infrastructure at the university, access to the tools of the «University Technological Entrepreneurship Platform», the university building partnerships with business in terms of training technological entrepreneurs among university students, allowed the university to take a worthy place in the Ranking of Entrepreneurial Universities and Business Schools in Russia in 2024 – noted the Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation of KubSU Mikhail Sharafan (more details https://www.kubsu.ru/ru/node/42656).