Kuban State University is one of the largest scientific and educational centers in the South of Russia. Founded in September 1920, it has a 100-year history based on the best traditions of classical education and recognized achievements.
The University consists of 15 faculties, the Institute of Secondary Professional Education, the Institute of Geography, Geogology, Turism and Service, Department of Postgraduate Training Programs, research institutes, the Institute of Testing Technology and General Further Education, the Professional Retraining and Advanced Training Institute.
KubSU pays special attention to improvement of the education quality. Students and graduates of the University have won many international, national and regional contests and competitions. Quality training of graduates is ensured by means of implementation of the «double diploma» programs.
Effective integration of scientific and educational processes is characteristic of KubSU. The research carried out by KubSU scientists is of great interest both in our country and abroad, as evidenced by agreements on cooperation in the scientific field with international organizations and institutions and numerous awards given to KubSU for scientific developments by authoritative expert commissions of international and national exhibitions and competitions.