The history of the Faculty of Biology dates back to 1920, when the University was founded: from the Faculty of Natural History, which was part of the Faculty of Natural and Mathematical Sciences with two departments (Biology and Geography and Physics and Mathematics), to the Faculty of Natural Sciences, which also included two departments (Biology and Chemistry and Biology and Geography) in the post-war years. The Faculty now offers Bachelor’s (4 years) and Master’s (2 years) degree programmes.

«The Faculty of Biology trains specialists in numerous areas of biology. Our students study the natural world in various forms and gain practical experience on expeditions or through their research at various institutions in the Caucasus and Russia , a biological station in the Lagonaki plateau, nature and wildlife reserves and medical laboratories.»
Dean of the Faculty of Biology — Michail Nagalevsky, Candidate of Biology, Associate Professor.
Duration: 4 years (8 semesters)
Full-time program
Main subjects studied:
- Clinical Biochemistry;
- DNA-technology;
- Plant biochemistry;
- Biochemistry of critical conditions;
- Biochemistry with basic molecular biology;
Duration: 4 years (8 semesters)
Full-time program
Main subjects studied:
- Environmental anatomy of plants;
- Ecological Physiology;
- Ecology of Krasnodar Region;
- Ecological Monitoring, Fundamentals of Environmental Management
Duration: 4 years (8 semesters)
Full-time program
Main subjects studied:
- Genetics and Breeding;
- Genetic biotechnology;
- Specific genetics of plants;
- Genetic Monitoring;
- Genetic Monitoring;
Duration: 4 years (8 semesters)
Full-time program
Main subjects studied:
- Methods of zoological research;
- Ornithology;
- Hydrobiology;
- Herpetology;
- Teriology;
- Entomology;
- Ichthyology;
- Introduction to palaeontology;
- Theoretical Foundations of Environmental Protection
Duration: 4 years (8 semesters)
Full-time program
Main subjects studied:
- Microbiology with basic virology and biotechnology;
- Medical Microbiology;
- Microbial bioenergetics;
- Creation and application of microbial preparations;
- Genetic engineering of bacteria.
Duration: 4 years (8 semesters)
Full-time program
Main subjects studied:
- Ichthyology;
- Hydrobiology;
- Fish Ecology;
- Fish Behaviour;
- Fish Physiology;
- Ichthyopathology
Duration: 4 years (8 semesters)
Full-time program
Main subjects studied:
- Biological bases of fish farming;
- Methods of fisheries research;
- Water resources and water consumption in aquaculture;
- Enemies and diseases of fish in aquaculture.
Duration: 2 years (4 semesters)
Full-time program
Main subjects studied:
- Nature management;
- Specially Protected Natural Areas;
- Modern Problems of Biology;
- Agroecology;
- Geoecology;
- Applied Ecology; Applied Ecology;
- Systems Ecology; System Ecology;
- Environmental Safety;
- Environmental Expertise;
- Environmental monitoring.
Duration: 2 years (4 semesters)
Full-time program
Main subjects studied:
- Fauna and ecology of urbanised areas;
- Basics of biosecurity;
- Biodiversity;
- Basics of Environmental Management;
- Ecosystem monitoring;
- Parasitology;
- Biopollution;
- Environmental impact assessment and environmental expertise.
Duration: 2 years (4 semesters)
Full-time program
Main subjects studied:
- Environmental biotechnology and microbiological monitoring;
- Cell and DNA Technologies;
- Basics of microbial-plant interactions;
- Preparation of products of microbial synthesis;
- Biosecurity in microbiology.
Duration: 2 years (4 semesters)
Full-time program
Main subjects studied:
- Fundamental and Applied Biochemistry;
- Bioinformatics and data analysis;
- DNA diagnostic techniques;
- Fundamental and applied genetics;
- Genetic bases of selection;
- Molecular Biology.
Duration: 4 years (8 semesters)
Full-time program
- Biodiversity of aquatic ecosystems;
- Research work in ichthyology.
Candidate’s examination in the special discipline «Ichthyology».
Duration: 4 years (8 semesters)
Full-time program
- Entomology;
- Ecology and zoogeography of insects.
Candidate’s examination in the special discipline «Entomology».
Duration: 4 years (8 semesters)
Full-time program
- Regional ecology;
- Biology and ecology researches methods.
Candidate’s examination in the special discipline «Ecology».
Main scientific directions developed by the department:
- Study of flora of the ecosystems of the North-West Caucasus and Pre-Caucasus, its protection and rational use.
Main scientific directions developed by the department:
- Development of methods to increase fish productivity of natural and artificial waters in the South of Russia.
- Calculation of damage caused by economic activities to aquatic biological resources of reservoirs in the region.
- Study of the current ecological status of water bodies in the North-West Caucasus.
- Composition, peculiarities of distribution and biology of allochthonous fish species in the waters of the North-West Caucasus.
- Assessment of the impact of water with altered physico-chemical characteristics on the early stages of fish development.
The main scientific directions developed by the department:
- Alternative energy sources based on microbial technology;
- Genetic basis of agricultural plant breeding;
- Applied biochemistry and molecular biology;
- Development of microbiological technologies for rehabilitation of natural ecosystems;
- Microbiological processing of oily waste;
- Microbiological Control and Monitoring of Objects;
- Development of technologies for protection of materials against microbial damage.
The main scientific directions developed by the department:
- Ecological-faunistic and biomonitoring studies of entomocenoses of southern Russia, insect sociology and breeding;
- Biological justification of monitoring the main pollinators of field and fruit crops in the Western Caucasus;
- Study, conservation and use of public insects in Krasnodar region;
- Fauna of terrestrial and aquatic biocenoses of the North-West Caucasus;
- Ecological-faunistic and biomonitoring studies of aquatic biocenoses of southern Russia;
- Ecological and toxicological assessment of aquatic zoocenoses using lower vertebrates;
- Ecology, biology and conservation of amphibians and reptiles of the North-West Caucasus;
- Assessment of damage to biodiversity objects — components of flora and fauna and their habitats when planning and carrying out economic works, calculation of damage, development of a list and calculation of costs of compensation measures in Krasnodar region.
- The Kuban State University Botanical Garden;
- Biological station «Kamyshanova Polyana» named after Professor V. Nagalevsky;
- Training and scientific-production laboratory for the study of honey bees;
- Novorossiysk Training and Research Marine Biological Centre.
- Interregional Conference » Current Issues of Ecology and Nature Protection of Ecosystems of Southern Regions of Russia and Adjacent Territories».
- All-Russian Conference «Aquatic Bioresources and Aquaculture of Southern Russia».
There are international students from Angola, Algeria, Gabon, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Colombia, Côte d’Ivoire, Turkmenistan and Ukraine.
Department of Plant Biology and Ecology
Department of Aquatic Bioresources and Aquaculture
Department of Genetics, Microbiology and Biochemistry
The Kuban State University Botanical Garden
Biological station «Kamyshanova Polyana» named after Professor V. Nagalevsky
Кафедра английской филологии
Кафедра новогреческой филологии
Вероника Викторовна
д. филол. н., профессор
Зам. декана по научной работе
Кафедра немецкой филологии
Кафедра прикладной лингвистики и новых информационных технологий
Сергей Сергеевич
Зам. декана по цифровому развитию и международным связям
Кафедра французской филологии
Кафедра английского языка в профессиональной сфере