The Faculty of Romance and Germanic Philology is one of the oldest in Kuban State University. It was founded in 1938 as the Faculty of Foreign Languages. Since then it has become one of the most popular faculties of the university, having trained thousands of foreign language teachers and translators, school principals, educational, scientific and cultural figures over the decades of its history. The main characteristics of the faculty are fidelity to the traditions upheld by professors of all generations, loyalty to the profession and love of science. The faculty currently has more than 1,500 students in various programmes.

«Knowledge of foreign languages is now an undeniable professional advantage. At the Faculty of Romance and Germanic Philology we teach students not only to understand foreign languages, but also to feel them, to use different styles, to speak correctly and appropriately, politely and persuasively, and to be aware of cultural peculiarities and specific mentalities, with the pronunciation that never fails to amaze native speakers. Not only do we learn to use words and phrases correctly and form sentences accurately, but we are also aware of the impact of our words and know how to achieve our communication goals. Our graduates can work in almost any field, and language skills are in higher demand than ever. Fluency both in foreign languages and a native language is essential for success in business meetings, diplomatic negotiations, cultural and artistic events and, of course, in education.»
Dean of the Faculty of Romance and Germanic Philology — Natalia Shershneva, Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor.
Duration: 4 years (8 semesters)
Full-time program
Profile: Foreign Philology. Studying a foreign language as the main subject.
Philology is a classic field of education. In addition to the profound study of language, we also focus on literature, which is why our students, studying the best works, especially in the original language, learn to speak not only correctly, but also beautifully. Language is an art, and mastering it is our task. Language is part of culture, a reflection and embodiment of it; therefore, we pay special attention to the history and present of the countries we study, as well as to intercultural communication. The knowledge acquired in the theoretical disciplines enables graduates to continue their studies in any higher education institution in Russia and abroad.
Main subjects studied:
- Foreign language;
- Foreign literature;
- Theoretical Phonetics;
- Lexicology;
- Theoretical Grammar;
- Stylistics;
- History of language;
- Analysis of fictional texts;
Types of professional activity:
Teaching in primary and secondary schools, research work, administrative and office work, assistant to the head of an organisation.
Duration: 4 years (8 semesters)
Full-time program
Profile: Translation studies
A linguist whose work is directly related to translation is not only fluent in the working languages, but also has a thorough understanding of all the subtleties of intercultural communication, which enables effective translation and interpretation, as well as a good command of the theoretical aspects of language such as phonetics, grammar, stylistics and others. After graduating with a Bachelor’s degree in Linguistics, our alumni continue their studies for a Master’s degree at various higher education institutions in Russia and abroad. During their studies, students also take teaching internship, which qualifies them as foreign language teachers in the future.
Main subjects studied:
- Foreign languages (English, German);
- Phonetics;
- Intercultural communication;
- Linguistic analysis and interpretation of literary texts;
- Professional translation;
- Translation of business documents;
- Literary translation;
- Technical translation.
Types of professional activity:
Translating and interpreting in companies and public organisations, theoretical research in the field of translation, intercultural communication in the professional sphere, teaching in primary and secondary schools.
Duration: 4 years (8 semesters)
Full-time program
Profile: Communication, Information and Communication Technologies in Information Resource Management.
The curriculum seamlessly combines training in linguistics and new information technologies. Considerable attention is given to the development of technical skills in the processing, creation, editing and management of information resources. SMM is the most prominent example of graduates’ areas of professional activity. Profound knowledge of two foreign languages makes graduates highly sought after in the labour market.
Main subjects studied:
- Foreign languages (English, German);
- Psycholinguistics;
- Practice in the culture of linguistic communication;
- Computer discourse optimisation;
- Annotation and abstraction;
- Textual information processing;
- Information and Communication Technologies in Linguistics;
- Discourse and communicative practices;
- Computational Linguistics;
- Database design and development;
- Web resource design.
Types of professional activity:
Creating, editing and designing information resources; conducting research in theoretical and applied linguistics.
Duration: 5 years (10 Semesters)
Full-time program
Profiles: English/German; English/French; English/Modern Greek
It is said that teaching is not a profession but a vocation. Perhaps it is. But a true teacher, in addition to intuition, understanding of people and dedication to his or her work, must master a modern and effective methodology. Language teachers will always be in demand, especially those who teach competently, engagingly, taking into account the individual needs of students and using the latest educational technologies. Teacher training is a two-profile degree, so you will be equally proficient in two foreign languages by the end of your studies. English is compulsory and you can choose German, French or Greek as your second language.
Main subjects studied:
- Foreign Languages (English and German/French/Modern Greek);
- Psychology;
- Pedagogy;
- Theory and Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages;
- Foreign literature.
Types of professional activity:
Teaching in primary and secondary schools, organising vocational and supplementary education, organising training and education using information technologies, working in public and educational organisations.
Duration: 5 years (10 semesters)
Full-time program
Profile: Linguistic support for international relations
Knowing a foreign language and being able to translate are two different things. Translation is a skill that needs to be practised, developed and perfected. There are specific techniques and methods that every translator must master. Translation is not about words, it is about meanings, ideas, subtexts, feelings and emotions. The interpreter’s job is to ensure effective communication. Even in the native language, we cannot always structure a conversation the way we want to, we cannot always find the right words. So the interpreter’s job is difficult twice. Interpreting, whether written or spoken, is a delicate task.
Main subjects studied:
- Foreign languages (English, German);
- Translation theory;
- Culture of language communication;
- Phonetics;
- Intercultural communication theory and practice;
- Translation;
- Consecutive interpreting;
- Business English;
- Translation in the field of international relations;
- Protocol and translation ethics.
Types of professional activity:
Written and consecutive interpreting, proofreading of written translations, scientific research in the field of interlingual and intercultural communication and in the field of international relations.
Duration: 2 years (4 semesters)
Full-time program
The programme is aimed at developing a systemic understanding of the contemporary structure of philological research, philological work with various types of texts, and provides for the study of various methods and technologies of linguistic research. Graduates of the programme will have mastered the methods and technologies of foreign language teaching and will be prepared for interdisciplinary research in the field of foreign language teaching, translation theory and practice, intercultural communication, linguistics and philology. They also have the theoretical and methodological knowledge necessary for solving professional tasks in scientific research and pedagogical activity. They have acquired communicative strategies and tactics, rhetorical, stylistic and linguistic skills of the teacher.
Main subjects studied:
- Foreign Languages (English, French, German);
- Philosophy of language;
- Business Languages;
- Modern literary process and didactics of the literary text;
- Linguistic argumentation;
- Translation theory and practice;
- Psychology and pedagogy of higher education;
- Methods of foreign language teaching.
Types of professional activity:
Research in the field of philology, teaching in higher education institutions, provision of oral and written business communication, including international cooperation.
Duration: 2 years (4 semesters)
Full-time program
The programme aims to train Master of Arts graduates in theoretical and practical approaches to cross-cultural interaction. Our graduates have the opportunity to build successful careers in business and academic communication, teaching foreign languages and cultures, translation, and basic and applied research in the field of philology. Our graduates are not only fluent in foreign languages, but also ready to mediate intercultural interaction between representatives of different cultures, have the ability to translate, develop and conduct training in foreign languages and philological disciplines, understand the specifics of scientific research in the field of linguistics, intercultural communication, text theory, cognitive linguistics, etc.
Main subjects studied:
- Theory of Communication;
- Academic English;
- International Integration in Higher Education;
- Communication in International Academic Environments;
- Language pedagogy;
- Methodology of Philological Research;
- System analysis and decision-making in philology;
- Theory and practice of intercultural communication in the professional sphere;
- Translation theory and practice;
- Ethics of international academic communication.
Types of professional activity:
Research in the field of philology, teaching in higher education institutions, provision of oral and written business communication, including international interaction.
The research teams of the Department are focused on discursology, neology, inter-semiotic translation, cognitive, corpus and network research, which allows us to view society, culture and language as a multi-dimensional ecosystem. The Department has come a long way and is proud of its scientific and academic achievements.
The Department trains theoretical and applied linguists and linguistic and cultural professionals. Students take part in scientific conferences and in the work of the «Interdisciplinary Research Laboratory of Applied Linguistics and Public Policy Network Studies».
Fluency in two foreign languages, in addition with a wide range of linguistic competences, allows the graduates to continue their research activities and open career prospects in secondary and higher education, management and business (intercultural communication manager, translation of expert opinions, political communication strategy development, drafting of public speaking texts, etc.), IT sphere (data architect, Big Data analyst).
The Department research interests focus on a wide range of German studies, including the history of the German language, text linguistics, linguoculturology, cognitive linguistics, translation studies and other areas. In 2011, the Department hosted the first international academic conference «Blickpunkt Germanistik», which has become a tradition for many years. Every year the results of the conference are published in a collection of scientific papers.
Since 2006 the Department has become the main regional platform for the promotion of German language and culture in the South of Russia. Every year the Department organises competitions, festivals and exhibitions aimed at motivating students and schoolchildren to study the German language.
Since the 1990s, the Department has been actively involved in cultural and educational projects within the framework of the partnership between Krasnodar and Karlsruhe. Contacts with the Krasnodar-Karlsruhe Friendship Society are actively developing. Since 2006, a two-year educational programme «European Business School» has been implemented in cooperation with the Walter Eucken Business School.
In 2013 the Department established the Regional German Education Centre RDAZ, a partner of the Goethe Institute in the field of international certification examinations and German language courses.
The Department of French Philology is a dynamically developing, practice-oriented and knowledge-intensive educational institution with an international profile.
Every year, the Department publishes a collection of research papers entitled «Philology in the Contemporary Humanities System», and organises methodological seminars for young teachers and students, as well as international research and practice conferences.
Research interests include
- Text and discourse theory;
- Linguopragmatics;
- Theory of intertextuality;
- Optimisation of the foreign language teaching process;
- Communication theory: intercultural communication, sociolinguistics and psycholinguistics;
- Innovative Information Technologies and Linguistic Communication Methods.
As part of the University’s cooperation with foreign universities, students have an opportunity to spend a semester at the University of France — Bordeaux III, named after Michel de Montaigne. Students can also prepare for international examinations in French.
The Department of Modern Greek Philology was established in 1991. The teaching staff of the Department includes holders of various scholarships and winners of international competitions. A great contribution to the work of the Department is made by native philologists sent by the Ministry of Education of Greece to work at Kuban State University.
An important achievement of the Department is the introduction of Greek as a second foreign language in Russian schools.
Science is an integral part of the work of the Department. Our teachers participate in international symposia of young scholars in Byzantine and Neo-Hellenistic studies, conferences of teachers of classical languages and translation theories and practices, seminars and round tables on teaching Greek as a foreign language. The Department organises international conferences on Hellenistic Studies and cooperates closely with leading Greek universities and educational centres (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greek Language Centre (Thessaloniki)), as well as with Moscow State University and the Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The research activities of the Department of Applied Linguistics and New Information Technologies are devoted to the study of applied aspects of language and the analysis of discursive practices.
Every year in April, the department organises a conference on «Cognitive and Discursive Space in Contemporary Humanities». The conference focuses on the different ways in which knowledge is formed, represented and evaluated in contemporary discursive practices.
Thematically, the conference covers three main areas:
- Questions of cognitology, the verbalisation of cognitive models and their relation to the processes of cognition and discourse construction. This area analyses the nature of the cognitive-functional approach in linguistics, the role of the native speaker’s worldview in the search for equivalent translation solutions, the processes of metaphorisation in media discourse.
- Characteristics of the discursive space of modernity. This area is considered in terms of the diversity of discourse types. The focus is on the variety and diversity of discourse types, their genres and the specificity of the construction of speech acts.
- Possibilities of constructing new knowledge, e.g. when learning a foreign language, as well as methods of assessing the knowledge formed. The direction of the conference implies the consideration of different approaches that effectively influence the educational process.
The mission of the Department is to teach professional English to specialists, undergraduate and graduate students of non-linguistic faculties of Kuban State University. The Department is engaged in research in the following areas: general language theory, comparative typology, intercultural communication, translation studies, methods of teaching English to students of non-linguistic specialities, introduction of innovative educational technologies. Every year the Department organises a scientific-practical conference on «Current Aspects of Linguistics, Linguodidactics and Intercultural Communication», the results of which are reflected in the collection of scientific papers. For more than twenty years, the Department has been successfully running the professional retraining programme «Interpreter in the field of professional communication», which is aimed at those who wish to improve their professional competence in the field of English and acquire additional qualifications that allow them to combine specialist knowledge and translation skills and abilities in the field of professional activity.
Cognitive and pragmalinguistic modelling of socio-political and communicative processes in online and offline spaces; quantitative and qualitative studies of communication and information flows during emergencies; network modelling of behaviour and reactions of population groups in large-scale and emergency situations; research on the reputation and image of political actors and business structures in Russia; modelling and forecasting popularity dynamics using reinforced Poisson processes in Russia; Modelling and prediction of popularity dynamics using reinforced Poisson processes in RF; Representation of political actors in the online space.
V.V. Katermina, Doctor of Philology, Professor.
N.A. Ryabchenko, Candidate of Politics, Associate Professor.
Fields of research: Late medieval and early modern texts (fiction and non-fiction, early printed books), text typology (text types, text alliances), linguistic change (study of the microstructure of texts), paratext (pragmatic, linguistic-cultural, semantic features), intertextuality of texts in the periods studied (interconnection of separate texts, the author’s quoted text and the compilability of texts), intermediality and multimodality (the interrelation of text and illustration, text design), addressee (the address plan of the text), pragmatics of the text, the relationship of language and culture including the historical perspective, conceptual metaphors in diachronic (metaphor of the theatre in the early modern period, metaphor of the mirror, etc.).
Marina Oleynik, Doctor of Philology, Professor kubstunigerdep2@mail.ru
It is hard to imagine studying at the Faculty of Romance and Germanic Philology without participation in various international events, translation practice, accompanying delegations and trips abroad.
Students of the Faculty actively participate in academic mobility programmes and study at KubSU partner universities. Excellent knowledge of foreign languages is a prerequisite for successful study abroad.
Extensive opportunities for language practice and interpreting open up for students during various major events in the Russian Federation, such as the Olympic Games, FIFA World Cup, Formula 1, conferences, congresses and summits, where students of the Faculty participate as volunteers.
The Faculty actively participates in projects within the framework of the partnership between the cities of Krasnodar and Karlsruhe. German students contribute to the promotion of the Russian language and culture of the Krasnodar region in Germany within the framework of the «Kulturforum» project. They write texts in German about the culture of Krasnodar and publish them online. One of the results of the project was the exhibition «Twin Cities as a Dialogue of Cultures», which was shown in Krasnodar and Karlsruhe in 2019. In 2020, the students’ texts will form the basis of the magazine «Kulturforum».
Not a single international event in Krasnodar is complete without the participation of students from the faculty. Students accompany foreign delegations and improve their language skills.
The Departments of French and Greek Philology offer students various opportunities for internships and training in the country of the language studied. During the pandemic, the faculty opened up new opportunities for international cooperation. Researchers from KubSU partner universities gave lectures and seminars to the students of the faculty in an online format.
Natalya Shershneva
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor
Dean of the Faculty
Department of English Philology
Department of Modern Greek Philology
Veronika Katermina
Doctor of Philology, Professor
Vice Dean for Research
Department of German Philology
Department of Applied Linguistics and New Information Technologies
Bychkov Sergey
Candidate of Philology
Vice-dean for Digitization and International Relations
Department of French Philology
Department of Professional English
Кафедра английской филологии
Кафедра новогреческой филологии
Вероника Викторовна
д. филол. н., профессор
Зам. декана по научной работе
Кафедра немецкой филологии
Кафедра прикладной лингвистики и новых информационных технологий
Сергей Сергеевич
Зам. декана по цифровому развитию и международным связям
Кафедра французской филологии
Кафедра английского языка в профессиональной сфере