Research Areas

Mechanics of deformable solids


Head — Vladimir Babeshko, RAS Academician, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Head of Mathematical Modelling Department, Deputy Chairman of the Southern Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences

About scientific school

Scientific interests of the research group include mechanics of deformable solids, integral and differential equations, mathematical models of geophysics, acoustics, seismology, ecology and wave theory. The main directions of research carried out by V.A. Babeshko and under his supervision by the researchers and postgraduate students who make up the team of the School are continuum mechanics and ecology. In mechanics, a significant number of works are devoted to the dynamics of contact interaction between finite-sized bodies and deformable semi-confined media. The range of problems addressed is very wide: from the formulation of a correct formulation of the corresponding boundary and initial value problems and the identification of their solvability classes, to the development of new effective methods used to solve various applied problems in geophysics, seismology, seismic exploration, industrial and civil engineering, mechanical engineering, acoustoelectronics, defectoscopy, etc. Mathematically, the study of dynamic contact problems boils down to the construction, analysis and solution of systems of integral equations with rapidly oscillating kernels. Here we can highlight several key problems: the construction of Green matrices for the kernels of systems of integral equations corresponding to boundary value problems for media with complex physical and mechanical properties (anisotropy, prestressing, multilayer, continuity violation, presence of temperature, electric and magnetic fields); the creation of high-precision algorithms and effective methods for solving the above systems, which do not impose severe constraints on the range of problem parameters; conducting analyses of wave fields in both the near and far directions. A distinctive feature of the school of Vladimir Babeshko is the integrated development of analytical and numerical methods for the analysis of wave processes in conjunction with experimental studies.

Scientific achievements — V.A. Babeshko developed a number of effective methods for the solution of mixed dynamic problems: the method of generalised factorisation, the method of fictive absorption, the method of infinite systems, the method of block elements as a tool for extending the possibilities of block structure theory to environments with variable and nonlinear properties. He proved the singularity theorems for the solutions of the dynamic contact problems for non-classical fields and, using the limit absorption method, discovered the phenomenon of the «reverse wave» or anomalous dispersion, which was later confirmed experimentally. The theory of elastic wave propagation in layered inhomogeneous structures with parallel oriented inhomogeneities (superpositions, matrixes, thin inclusions, cracks, electrodes, etc.) is developed, which allowed to formulate new, refined models in various fields of natural sciences. V.A. Babeshko leads research on seismic safety at the interface of geophysics and mechanics. V.A. Babeshko is the co-author of the scientific discovery «The phenomenon of high-frequency resonance in semi-boundary bodies with inhomogeneities» (1994). The main results of the research of this phenomenon have found wide application in aviation, engineering, seismology and ecology.

Institutional Bases of the Criminal Law of the Russian Federation


Head — Vladimir Konyakhin, Doctor of Law, Professor, Head of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, Kuban State University.

About scientific school

Research interests include theoretical foundations of Russian criminal law; international criminal law; criminal law of Slavic states in Southeast Europe; sexual offences.

Scientific achievements — 4 monographs, 8 textbooks, 4 study guides, 6 commentaries on the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. In 2014 and 2015, for the first time in its history, under the editorship of Professors V.P. Konyakhin and M.L. Prokhorova, the Department’s staff published textbooks on the general and special parts of Russian criminal law, which received 3 positive reviews published in the central federal journals «Criminal Law» and «Russian Criminological Outlook». Together with other authors of the aforementioned textbooks, Konyakhin was twice (in 2014 and 2016) the winner of the All-Russian competition for the best scientific book. In 2018, the National Prize for Literature in Law was awarded to the Academic Course of Criminal Law in 10 volumes (edited by Professor N.A. Lopashenko), with the participation of Professor V.P. Konyakhin. 2 textbooks, 2 collections of problems and 5 pedagogical and methodical manuals, co-authored by Professor V.P. Konyakhin, received the stamp of the Pedagogical and Methodical Association of Higher Educational Institutions of the Russian Federation (EMA).

Optoelectronics, wave optics, nano- and microelectronics, laser physics


Head — Nikolay Yakovenko, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Optoelectronics.

About scientific school

Research areas — photonics, optoelectronics, optical information technologies and functional materials, radioelectronics and radiophotonics. The research group «Optical information technologies and functional photonic materials» founded by Professor N.A. Yakovenko conducts basic and applied research on integrated optical components and modules for information processing based on plasmonic nanooptics and integrated ion-exchange microoptics technologies.

Research achievements — study of physical-technical and schematic principles of construction of new materials of elements and devices of integrated photonics, development of dozens of integrated optical components and modules for information processing. Outstanding scientific works — 7 monographs have been published.

World Economy and International Economic Relations


Head — Igor Shevchenko, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of World Economy

About scientific school

Areas of research interests — property relations reform, regional economics, theories of economic growth, investment and innovation activity, international economic relations, economics and management of the national economy. Information about the scientific school — scientific school «World Economy and International Economic Relations», founded in 2002. 90 postgraduate students and applicants have defended PhD theses, 18 have defended doctoral theses.

The objectives of the scientific school are to develop theoretical bases for the processes of reform of property relations, to study the problems of globalisation and trends in the world economy and improvement of international economic relations, integration of national and regional economies into the world economic system, theories of economic growth, international investment and innovation activities. The vector of further development of the scientific school will be aimed at researching opportunities and directions of digitalisation of national and international business management, improvement of business education through approval of models of academic mobility of students and teachers. Publications — for the last five years the staff of the scientific school has published 14 articles in the Scopus and Web of science, 9 in the foreign papers, over 93 articles in the Higher Attestation Commission journals, 173 articles indexed in the RSCI database, 9 textbooks and teaching aids, 2 monographs, over 30 publications and presentations at Russian and international scientific-practical conferences.

Theoretical issues of analytical chemistry


Head — Zaual Temerdashev, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Analytical Chemistry.

About scientific school

Scientific interests of the research group include mechanics of deformable solids, integral and differential equations, mathematical models of geophysics, acoustics, seismology, ecology and wave theory. The main directions of research carried out by V.A. Babeshko and under his supervision by the researchers and postgraduate students who make up the team of the School are continuum mechanics and ecology. In mechanics, a significant number of works are devoted to the dynamics of contact interaction between finite-sized bodies and deformable semi-confined media. The range of problems addressed is very wide: from the formulation of a correct formulation of the corresponding boundary and initial value problems and the identification of their solvability classes, to the development of new effective methods used to solve various applied problems in geophysics, seismology, seismic exploration, industrial and civil engineering, mechanical engineering, acoustoelectronics, defectoscopy, etc. Mathematically, the study of dynamic contact problems boils down to the construction, analysis and solution of systems of integral equations with rapidly oscillating kernels. Here we can highlight several key problems: the construction of Green matrices for the kernels of systems of integral equations corresponding to boundary value problems for media with complex physical and mechanical properties (anisotropy, prestressing, multilayer, continuity violation, presence of temperature, electric and magnetic fields); the creation of high-precision algorithms and effective methods for solving the above systems, which do not impose severe constraints on the range of problem parameters; conducting analyses of wave fields in both the near and far directions. A distinctive feature of the school of Vladimir Babeshko is the integrated development of analytical and numerical methods for the analysis of wave processes in conjunction with experimental studies.

Scientific achievements — V.A. Babeshko developed a number of effective methods for the solution of mixed dynamic problems: the method of generalised factorisation, the method of fictive absorption, the method of infinite systems, the method of block elements as a tool for extending the possibilities of block structure theory to environments with variable and nonlinear properties. He proved the singularity theorems for the solutions of the dynamic contact problems for non-classical fields and, using the limit absorption method, discovered the phenomenon of the «reverse wave» or anomalous dispersion, which was later confirmed experimentally. The theory of elastic wave propagation in layered inhomogeneous structures with parallel oriented inhomogeneities (superpositions, matrixes, thin inclusions, cracks, electrodes, etc.) is developed, which allowed to formulate new, refined models in various fields of natural sciences. V.A. Babeshko leads research on seismic safety at the interface of geophysics and mechanics. V.A. Babeshko is the co-author of the scientific discovery «The phenomenon of high-frequency resonance in semi-boundary bodies with inhomogeneities» (1994). The main results of the research of this phenomenon have found wide application in aviation, engineering, seismology and ecology.

Inorganic and Coordination Chemistry of Transition Elements


Head — Victor Panyushkin, Doctor of Chemistry, Professor
Fields of scientific interest — coordination chemistry, chemical physics, biochemistry, physical research methods.

About scientific school

Scientific school information — fundamental and applied research of coordination compounds and materials based on them.

Scientific achievements — development and introduction into industry of materials for protection of power supply of spacecraft during their operation outside the Earth’s atmosphere.

Outstanding scientific works — Development of theoretical foundations of selective multidimensional spectroscopy of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR).

Total number of scientific works — 8 scientific monographs and more than 300 scientific articles published in top domestic and foreign journals.

Nanomembrane Materials and Processes


Head — Prof. Victor Zabolotsky, Doctor of Chemistry, Head of the Department of Physical Chemistry.

About scientific school

Fields of scientific interest — membrane electrochemistry, electrochemical and electromembrane technologies, environmental protection.

Information about the scientific school — Theoretical and applied aspects of electromembrane processes have become the main focus of the scientific activity of the school. The established scientific direction is a fundamental basis for modern low-reagent and environmentally friendly electromembrane processes for water treatment, purification and concentration of industrial solutions, extraction of valuable components and conditioning of liquid media in the food and pharmaceutical industries, etc. In the international ranking of the number of publications in the field of membrane electrochemistry in journals indexed in the international databases Web of Science and Scopus, Kuban State University takes the third place (99 publications) after Laval University of Canada (119 publications) and University of Science and Technology of China (111 publications).

Scientific achievements — the scientific research created by V.I. Zabolotsky is constantly developing. For the first time in the world practice he developed the electromembrane technology for production of deionised and ultrapure water directly from tap water, which was widely used in chemical industry (Nevinnomyssk), thermal power industry (St. Petersburg, Armavir, Kamensk-Shakhtinsk), electronic industry (St. Petersburg, Zelenograd), in haemodialysis departments of regional and territorial hospitals (Krasnoyarsk, Kirov). Petersburg, Zelenograd), in haemodialysis departments of regional and territorial hospitals (Krasnodar, Kirov, Kishinev, Moscow, Novorossiysk), in the production of high-quality alcoholic beverages (Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk) and in other industries. Hybrid baro-electromembrane technology and an electromembrane complex for the production of high-purity water for the thermal power industry with a capacity of 30 t/h were implemented at JSC «Kamenskvolokno» (Kamensk-Shakhtinsky). The development works under the leadership of V.I. Zabolotsky were awarded numerous gold medals at Russian and international exhibitions. Under the scientific direction of V.I. Zabolotsky, the works on creation of a small-scale electro-membrane field complex for production of apirogenic water for medical purposes were completed. By a joint decision of the Main Military Medical Directorate of the Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the complex was accepted as a technical tool for obtaining water in field hospitals and for supplying apyrogenic water to mobile units of special disaster medicine.

General Linguistics


Head — Lydia Isaeva, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, Head of the Modern Russian Language Department.

About scientific school

Fields of research — philology, text theory, syntax of the modern Russian language

Information about the Scientific School — the Scientific School «General Linguistics» is headed by Lydia Isaeva, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Head of the Department of Modern Russian Linguistics. There are 15 researchers in the school, including 4 PhDs, 7 PhD candidates, postgraduates, masters and students. In 2007, a scholarship entitled «Modern Kuban Speaks: Phonetic, Lexical, Semantic and Conceptual Specificity». The authors of the grant conducted a preliminary study of the history and current state of the villages to be studied and clarified the ethnic and social stratification of their inhabitants; visited villages in the study districts of Krasnodar Region. They visited the settlements of the investigated districts of Krasnodar region and made a field trip to the villages in order to select the respondents of different categories (low-literate women of the older generation, medium-literate dialect speakers, representatives of the local intelligentsia who are dialect-literary bilingual).

During the work of the scientific school the following grants were obtained: organisation and holding of the International Scientific Conference «Continuity and Discreteness in Language and Speech», organisation and holding of the Second International Scientific Conference «Continuity and Discreteness in Language and Speech», organisation and holding of the All-Russian Scientific Conference with elements of the school for young people «Research Paradigms in Modern Linguistics». In 2018 the team of the school participated in the implementation of research work on the topic «Functional and pragmatic status of English in the Scandinavian region, where the established collective linguistic identity is determined by the area of relations between the dominant national languages, English and other components of the regional linguistic space». The list of the main publications of the team consists of articles in the journals included in the list of the Higher Attestation Commission and Scopus. The team of the scientific school successfully solves the problems of training of scientific and pedagogical staff of higher qualification, so during the work more than 20 candidate’s theses and 3 doctoral theses were defended at the Dissertation Council of Kuban State University. Every year the staff takes part in conferences of different levels. Kuban State University is a scientific and educational centre for philologists of the southern macro-region. Scientific and methodological consultations for teachers of secondary and higher educational institutions of Krasnodar region and republics of the North Caucasus are carried out by the staff of the Scientific School.

Political Science and Philosophy. Political process


Head — Victor Yurchenko, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Head of the Department of Political Science and Administration.

About scientific school

Fields of scientific interest — political conflictology, political process, national security.

Information about the scientific school — Victor Yurchenko is the scientific supervisor of 1 doctor and 18 candidates of political sciences on the subject of political science.

Research Achievements — V. Yurchenko is the author of more than 800 scientific works, including 7 personal monographs and more than 25 textbooks, the director of many grant projects.

History of journalism. Types and genres of journalism


Head — Yuriy V. Luchinsky, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, Head of Department for History of Journalism and Legal Regulation of Mass Communication.

About scientific school

Sphere of academic interests — history and theory of mass communications, legal regulation of mass communications, history of world literature.

Information about his scientific school — head of scientific school «History of Journalism. Types and genres of journalism», approved by the order of the rector of Kuban State University (№ 2323 from 12.12.2018).

Scientific achievements — since 2007 holds an international scientific and practical conference «Media strategies of the modern world». Since 2007 — Chairman of the Doctoral Dissertation Council D 212.101.04 in the fields of «Russian Literature», «Theory of Literature. Textology», «Journalism» at Kuban State University.

Public Policy and Administration


Head — Elena Morozova, Doctor of Political Science, Professor, Department of Public Policy and Public Administration.

About scientific school

Areas of Scientific Interest — Network Policy Analysis, Digitalisation in Politics, Comparative Political Science, Identity Politics, Political Culture.

Department of Comparative Politics and Public Administration — Head of the Registered Department of Politics and Public Administration

Academic Achievements — E. Morozova justified concepts of regional political culture, network frontier, politics of digital inclusion.

Outstanding scientific works — monographs «Regional Political Culture» (1998), «The Network Society Frontier as a Space of Political Interaction» (2017), 16 articles in journals indexed in international citation databases Scopus and Web of Science.

Kuban Scientific School of Local Community Development


Head — Tatyana Avdeeva, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Professor, Department of Local Development Organisation and Planning.

About scientific school

Fields of research — municipal economy and local development management.

Information about the Scientific School — Kuban Scientific School of Local Community Development The reasons for the need to study socio-economic processes at the local level were related to the reforms of the public administration system and the establishment of the system of local self-government in the early 1990s. For the first time, problems of local development began to be studied not from the point of view of the division of powers between levels of government, but from the perspective of the interests of people living in local socio-economic systems and united by the common interests of living together in certain territories, i.e. the local community.

Scientific achievements — first pioneering developments related to the concept of local community development, theories of local economy and local economic development, information base of local development management, development of strategic planning technology. Developments were carried out jointly with Professors Y.V. Filippov and A.V. Penyugalova.

Infrastructural bases of financial and credit system development


Head — Alexandra Penyugalova, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Economic Analysis, Statistics and Finance.

About scientific school

Fields of Scientific Interest — Statistics, Economic Analysis, Finance and Credit.

Information about the scientific school — head of the scientific school «Institutional bases of development of the financial and credit system». The aim of the school — to conduct relevant research, create innovative products in scientific and educational activities in the field of infrastructure development of the financial and credit system.

Scientific achievements — defence of the doctoral thesis in the field of regional economy. Management of 8 research projects on financial management problems on behalf of enterprises and organisations of Krasnodar region and the Republic of Crimea. Participation in the development of the research project «Assessment of the state and prospects of socio-economic development of the Krasnodar region district». Participation in the research project «Improvement of Management in Higher Education Institutions» under the World Bank loan. Participation in the international TACIS project Edrus 9804 «Strategic Management in Russian Municipalities».

Criminal procedure in pre-trial proceedings


Head — Sementsov Vladimir Aleksandrovich, Doctor of Laws, Professor, Honoured Lawyer of Kuban, Professor of the Criminal Procedure Department of Kuban State University.

About scientific school

Fields of scientific interest — theoretical foundations of criminal procedure of the Russian Federation; current problems of pre-trial stages of criminal proceedings; protection of rights and legitimate interests of participants of criminal proceedings; problems of evidence and proof in criminal proceedings.

Information about the scientific school — the scientific school «Criminal procedure at the pre-trial stage» was founded on 23 April, 2002 at the Department of Criminal Procedure of the Kuban State University.

Scientific achievements — for the last five years 7 peer-reviewed monographs, 3 scientific articles in the issues indexed in databases Web of Science and Scopus, 19 articles in the journals of the list of the Higher Attestation Commission, 2 textbooks were published by the head of the scientific school. The author of more than 340 published scientific and educational works, including more than 100 articles in the leading peer-reviewed journals recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, and 4 articles in the journals indexed in the Web of Science and Scopus databases.