On the 27th of December at Kuban State University certificates were handed over to the graduates of the training programme «Prevention of inter-ethnic conflicts, countering the ideology of terrorism, prevention of extremism and formation of civic attitude among the youth».
From October to December more than 450 specialists — representatives of executive authorities, heads and employees of administrations of municipalities of Krasnodar region, employees of educational services of higher educational institutions, employees of youth affairs offices, teachers and employees of educational organisations, deputies for educational work and employees of youth affairs offices — took part in the training free of charge.
As part of the training, six comprehensive training courses were held, which could be attended in person or online:
— Internet in countering the threat of terrorism» (16 hours), 57 participants
— Prevention of terrorism» (72 hours), 86 participants
— Inter-ethnic and inter-religious relations in contemporary Russia (72 hours), 60 participants
— State and municipal counter-terrorism efforts (72 hours), 51 participants
— Implementing a comprehensive plan to counter terrorist ideology in the Russian Federation (72 hours) — 75 participants
— Identification of destructive subcultures (the criminal subculture of aye-aye, football hooliganism, school shooting, death groups) in educational institutions and places of attraction and prevention of negative manifestations among youth (40 hours) — 124 persons trained.
The participants were introduced to the legislation of the Russian Federation on countering terrorism and extremist activities, the organisation of work to implement the Comprehensive Plan to Combat Terrorist Ideology in the Russian Federation, the main forms of conflict prevention on ethnic or religious grounds, and the specifics and peculiarities of illegal Internet resources. Participants learned techniques for creating positive content to counter terrorist and other destructive ideologies among young people, and were introduced to the experience of the University Coordination Centre for subsequent use in their work.
The courses were taught by faculty and staff from Kuban State University and other leading higher education institutions in the region, as well as representatives of law enforcement and other government agencies in their fields of work. The training was organised within the framework of the State Commission «Organisational and methodological support for the activities of the Coordination Centre for the formation of a civic position among young people, prevention of inter-ethnic conflicts, combating the ideology of terrorism and prevention of extremism» of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation. The programme was specifically designed for representatives of government agencies, heads and staff of municipal administrations, staff of youth welfare agencies, and educational staff of general, vocational secondary and higher educational institutions in Krasnodar region who are working on the prevention of inter-ethnic and inter-religious conflicts and combating the ideology of terrorism and extremism.
The programme was organised using distance learning technologies and took place at Kuban State University’s Institute of Continuing Education. Upon successful completion of the course, participants were awarded training certificates of the established standard.