Kuban State University (KubSU) hosted the Festival of National Cultures

Kuban State University (KubSU) hosted the Festival of National Cultures on April 27. This large event traditionally brings together all students and lecturers of the university. The National Cultures Festival is part of the Festival of Open Creative Youth Initiatives «ЭТАЖИ» («Floors» or «Levels»), which was held at KubSU for …

The winners of the reading competition among students of Kuban State University and China have been announced

On April 26, a solemn award ceremony was held to honor the winners of the reading competition between students of Kuban State University and Chengdu Institute Sichuan International Studies University. The winners were awarded in an online ceremony by Alexander Evtushenko, the Dean of the Faculty of History, Sociology, and …

Kuban State University is at the TIBO-2023 Forum in Minsk

From April 18 to 21, Kuban State University participated in the XXIX International Specialized ICT TIBO-2023 Forum held in Minsk, Belarus. The delegation from KubSU included Elena Stroganova, Vice-Rector for Digital Transformation, Evgeniya Rotai, Deputy Director of the International Affairs Department, and Rostislav Peredriy, a second-year student at the Faculty …

A Phonetic competition was held by the Faculty of Romance and Germanic Philology

On April 22, the Faculty of Romance and Germanic Philology organized a Phonetic competition, in which first-year students showcased their creative acts, demonstrating their skills in English phonetics and stage performance. The competition is a long-standing tradition of the faculty. This year, the participants captivated the audience with a wide …

Students from KubSU won bronze at the Eurasian Olympiad

On April 4, the final round of the 9th Eurasian Student Olympiad in Analytical Economics and Forecasting took place at the Faculty of Economics of the Belarusian State University (BSU) in Minsk. This year, the event returned to an offline format, and BSU warmly welcomed teams from Russia, Kazakhstan, and …

The Coordinating Council of Youth Clubs of the Russian Geographical Society has appointed a chairperson

Tatiana Aleksandrovna Volkova, Associate Professor at the Department of International Tourism and Management of the Kuban State University, has been appointed Chair of the Council. The Coordinating Council is a new advisory and consultative body whose purpose is to ensure the effective functioning of RGS Youth Clubs (and there are …

Kuban State University has completed training in «Prevention of inter-ethnic conflicts and terrorist ideology»

On the 27th of December at Kuban State University certificates were handed over to the graduates of the training programme «Prevention of inter-ethnic conflicts, countering the ideology of terrorism, prevention of extremism and formation of civic attitude among the youth». From October to December more than 450 specialists — representatives …

KubSU expands contacts with Kyrgyzstan

The online meeting with the leadership of M. Adyshev Osh Technological University took place on December 22, 2023. The event was attended by Galina Govorova, Director of the International Affairs Department at Kuban State University; Natalya Zvyagintseva, Head of the Department of Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies; Olga Zimina, Acting Dean …

Students of the Faculty of Management and Psychology won four awards at the All-Russian Festival

From the 14th  to the 18th of November, the Ural Federal University in Yekaterinburg hosted the 11th All-Russian Student Festival in the field of youth work. The festival was attended by 17 teams from 16 regions of the country. KubSU team included students from the Faculty of Management and Psychology …