The Faculty of Architecture and Design was established in 2002. The necessity of its creation was dictated by the demand in the labour market of our region for specialists in the field of design, architecture and fashion industry, offering the latest developments in design and fashion design, architecture, industrial design, polygraphy, animation.
We are one of the leading institutions teaching architecture, design and costume design in the tradition of the professional school. The teaching system is based on a close connection between the latest technologies of the computer world, fine arts and crafts.
The main principle of the Faculty is not only to educate designers who are trained to work with modern computer and industrial equipment, but also to train specialists who are able to integrate into the modern Russian and world market of design, fashion and architectural services.
For 20 years the faculty has been creating such a structure of students’ education, which has allowed Kuban State University to become one of the best creative schools of the Southern Federal District. The faculty has the best teachers — masters whose work is recognised in official and underground circles. Combined with a strong resource base and really talented students, the result of their work is recognised and, above all, highly sought-after work in the fields of costume design and architecture.

«The main principle of the faculty lies not only in education of planners and designers trained to work with modern computer and industrial equipment, but also in providing training for specialists who are able to organically integrate into the modern Russian and global market of a wide range of design and architectural services.»
Dean of the Faculty of Management and Psychology — Olga Zimina, Candidate of Pedagogics, Associate Professor.
Profile: Architectural design
In the 5-year study programme at 07.03.01 Architecture (Bachelor’s degree level) the students
- master the basics of architectural design
- carry out designs of cottages and high-rise buildings, schools and museums, exhibition halls and theatres,
- learn the basics of urban planning.
Classical fundamentals of graphic arts and modern methods of computer-aided design are used in the teaching process.
Students study
- Three-dimensional composition and basics of architectural graphics,
- History of architecture and urban planning,
- history of theories of architecture; master
- Building construction and materials science,
- mathematics and theoretical mechanics,
- the basics of construction and building engineering,
- economics and the fundamentals of project management;
They have internships at architectural offices in Krasnodar and Krasnodar region, as well as in other regions of our country.
Profile: Graphic, interior and environmental design
The duration of the Bachelor’s degree programme 54.03.01 Design is 4 years. During this time, students master
- Basics of drawing, painting, graphics, chromatics (general artistic training)
- Design planning, computer graphics, multimedia and web design (preparation for professional activity). Students also study
- Basics of project work,
- Typography and typeface,
- History and theory of design,
- Principles of interior and environmental design,
- Photography,
- Principles of outdoor advertising design,
- Design of exhibition complexes;
Practical training in design studios and companies in Krasnodar and Krasnodar region.
Profile: Costume design
In the general artistic training, students master the basics of drawing, painting, graphic design and colour management during the 4 years of their education.
In the pre-professional area, students study
- History of costume,
- History of fashion,
- Design (creative design, sketching) and production (cutting, technology) of garments from various materials: textile, knitted, non-woven and multi-part materials, artificial leather and fur and other materials.
Both manual and computer technologies (CAD, 3D, execution of sketches and technical drawings in graphic programmes) are taught.
During the study period the students have internships both in educational workshops (1-2 courses) and in light industry enterprises, workshops, design studios of Krasnodar, Krasnodar region and other regions of the country (3-4 courses).
07.04.01 Architecture
Programme: «Architecture of residential and public buildings»
54.04.01 Design
Programme: Visual and Spatial Environment Design
The teaching staff of the department is represented by highly qualified specialists who are members of creative professional unions (the Union of Russian Designers, the Union of Artists of Russia), masters of the professional community (costume designers, stylists, technologists).
The activity of the department is inseparably connected with the development of the fashion, light and textile industry of Russia and is based on modern cultural, scientific and technical achievements in the sphere of designing and manufacturing of clothes from various materials
.In order to integrate and develop international partnerships in the professional field, since 2017 the department has been holding the annual international competition of creative works in the field of design, architecture and crafts «Idea. Creativity. Design» in cooperation with the regional branch of the Union of Designers of Russia and the Kovalenko Art Gallery. Professionals and students from 9 countries take part in the competition. Following the results of the competition, annual catalogues are compiled in the «Pro» and «Student» categories.
In addition, since 2016 the Department has co-organised the international forum of creative works «The World as I See It».
For 8 years the annual regional contest «Fashion Art» has been held for students of children art schools, studios and specialised secondary vocational schools of Krasnodar region.
Teachers and students of the department annually take part in prestigious professional exhibitions and competitions (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Ekaterinburg, etc.), organise personal exhibitions in various places of the city and region, hold master classes, participate in international conferences.
The Department has 10 full-time teachers and 4 external associates — representatives of employers and the professional community.
1 Doctor of Science, 1 Candidate of Science, 2 professors, 7 teachers are members of the Union of Designers of Russia, 1 member of the Union of Artists of the Russian Federation, 3 members of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia, 1 Honoured Worker of Arts of Kuban, 2 members of the Department have the honorary title of Honoured Worker of Higher Professional Education of Russia.
The activity of the department is inseparably connected with the development of domestic graphic, communicative design in the field of advertising, printing, packaging, web design, interior and environmental design, landscape design.
Since 2016, the Department has been organising the annual International Conference «Design and Architecture: Synthesis of Theory and Practice».
Students and teachers of the department carry out research, participate in scientific conferences, publish research papers, participate in and become laureates of all-Russian and international festivals, competitions and exhibitions in the field of design.
The Department of Architecture of Kuban State University was established in 2000. The Department has 19 full-time teachers and 3 external part-time teachers representing the professional community; 5 teachers are members of the Union of Architects of Russia.
Teachers of the main subject (Architectural Design ) are practicing architects, authors of famous architectural objects in the city and in the region.
Students actively participate in architectural, design and art exhibitions and competitions at various levels and carry out creative work aimed at solving the most pressing problems of spatial development of the city and region.
Research interests:
- Aspects of the study, preservation and transformation of the traditional Kuban Cossack costume;
- technique and methodology in costume design;
- Design of clothes for people with special needs, special and professional clothes;
- Theory and methodology of artistic training in design.
In recent years the teaching staff of the Department has published
Textbooks and manuals:
- Academic drawing;
- Zimina O., Kochetkova S., Lebedeva E. Introduction to the direction of training art of costume and textile;
- Zimina O., Pohlebaeva M. Design of clothes. Workbook; Monographs:
- Kortschikov P., Zimina O., Azhgikhin S. Design methodology in graphic design;
- Zimina O. Methodology of designing fashion collections;
- Ivashchenko I., Getmantseva V. Formation of thermal insulation of clothes on the basis of biotechnical parameters;
- Ivashchenko I., Getmantseva V. Anthropometric research of children and youth for designing clothes;
More than 30 articles are indexed in RSCI and journals from the list of the Higher Attestation Commission.
Research areas:
- Design and construction in design; study and transformation of traditional Kuban Cossack costume (supervised by O. Zimina);
- Specialist clothing (supervised by I. Ivashchenko);
- Methodology of artistic training in design (supervised by M. Pokhlebayeva).
Sphere of academic interest:
- Innovation in design and design education.
In the last 3 years 170 publications, including articles indexed in RSCI and in journals from the list of the Higher Attestation Commission, 6 study guides, 10 monographs. Published:
- Sangulia F., Azhigikhin S. Folklore tourism as an object of graphic design: Monograph. — Krasnodar: Novation, 2021. — 180 p.
- Kuchmina L., Azhgikhin S. Creation of interactive design for museum environment: Monograph. — Krasnodar: Novatsiya, 2021. — 160 p.
- Gritsyk E., Azhgikhin S. Design-design of commercial advertising: monograph. — Krasnodar: Novatsiya, 2021. — 184 p.
- Barysheva M., Marchenko M. Website design. Tutorial. 1st edition Krasnodar: Novatsiya, 2022. — 168 p. and others.
The research interests of the department’s teachers include
- Sustainable volumetric and spatial development of Krasnodar and Krasnodar region;
- Study of the historical architectural heritage of Krasnodar;
- Development of architectural pedagogy.
For the last 3 years the department’s teachers have published several teaching materials:
- Architectural design: multi-storey car park (E. Belova);
- Architectural design: guidelines for second year students (E. Knyazheva, A. Romanova);
- Stages of formation of creative abilities in the teaching of communicative disciplines for the bachelor of architecture (I. Yaroshenko);
Doctoral thesis «Formation of deontological readiness for professional and creative activity of future architects at the university» (A. Kuzmenko);
Almost 20 articles published are indexed in the Russian Science Citation Index and in journals from the list of the Higher Attestation Commission.
The Faculty has a wide range of contacts with foreign higher education institutions and international design organisations. It strives to create conditions in which students can travel abroad not only for short-term exchanges of experience, but also to participate in the diploma programmes of both universities. The development of international relations is already well established.
As part of the current cooperation agreement between Kuban State University and the Berlin University of Applied Sciences, Open Days were held in Berlin with the participation of our teachers and students, where master classes in special drawing were held and students took part in workshops.
In 2014, a cooperation agreement was signed with the Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction. Under this agreement, annual correspondence conferences are held, articles are published and students attend a winter school in Baku. Possibilities for joint action in the development of a dual master’s degree in architecture have been discussed.
Under the cooperation agreement with the Japanese Kaizen Centre in Krasnodar Region, master classes, workshops and competitions are regularly held at Kuban State University.
Students and professionals from Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Belarus, China, Italy, Mexico, Armenia, Kazakhstan and other countries participate in conferences and creative competitions organised by the departments or with the participation of the Faculty as co-organisers.
International students from Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Abkhazia, Ivory Coast, Syria, Iraq and Kazakhstan study at the Faculty.
Кафедра английской филологии
Кафедра новогреческой филологии
Вероника Викторовна
д. филол. н., профессор
Зам. декана по научной работе
Кафедра немецкой филологии
Кафедра прикладной лингвистики и новых информационных технологий
Сергей Сергеевич
Зам. декана по цифровому развитию и международным связям
Кафедра французской филологии
Кафедра английского языка в профессиональной сфере