The Faculty of Arts and Graphics was the first faculty of arts in the universities of the South of Russia and the North Caucasus. It was founded in 1959.
The specialists of the faculty created the scientific, methodological and personnel basis for the training of art teachers in the South of Russia and the North Caucasus.
The creative works of the teachers and graduates of the Faculty are exhibited in the most important museums, galleries and private collections of Russia, Europe, Asia, USA, Canada. They represented Russian art at the XX-XXI Century World Exhibition in New York, were included in the catalogues of the world’s leading contemporary artists and calligraphers, became winners of Russian national awards.
45 graduates and teachers were included in the «Integrated Artists’ Rating-Reference Book of Russian Artists of the 18th-20th Centuries». Among the graduates there are Honoured Workers of the Russian Gymnasium, National and Honoured Artists of Russia, members of the Union of Artists and Designers of Russia, international unions and associations of artists, one of the founders of the Russian Union of Designers.

«Every year the faculty’s teachers and students are awarded diplomas of laureates of Russian and international competitions in various fields of creative activity, such as design, artistic and computer graphics, painting, decorative and applied arts.
Master classes of fine arts are held in many towns and villages of Kuban, in other regions of Russia, in the All-Russian and International Children’s Centres «Orlyonok» and «Artek».»
Dean of the Faculty of Art and Graphics — Yuri Korobko, Doctor of Pedagogics, Professor.
Profiles: Visual arts; Computer graphics.
Normative period of study — 5 years
- Training is given in
- Drawing,
- painting
- composition,
- easel graphics (etching, lithography, wire engraving, other types and technologies of graphics)
- Computer graphics,
- Design (corporate identity, design of printed matter, advertising and visual communication media)
- Arts and crafts (ceramics, artistic painting, including the main types of traditional folk crafts of Russia).
- Students also study:
- Pedagogy and Psychology,
- History of art,
- Methods of teaching fine arts.
In addition, there are pedagogical and creative internships in art.
The professional training of the graduates enables them to carry out art pedagogical activities (teaching visual arts and computer graphics in general education and children’s art schools, art schools, art studios) and to combine them with creative practice as artists and/or designers;
Profile: Higher Education: Theory and Methodology of Teaching Visual Arts
Normative period of study — 2 years
Mode of study: full-time.
Teaching is provided in the fields of academic drawing and academic painting.
- Main subjects studied:
- Psychology of visual perception,
- Theory and teaching methods of drawing and painting,
- Artistic and pedagogical education and spiritual and moral education,
- technologies of personal development and other disciplines.
- The following are carried out
- Technological practice (design technology),
- teaching practice
- research work.
The graduate’s qualification work is a master’s thesis aimed at developing a scientifically based methodology for mastering the chosen field of visual activity in the system of higher education.
The professional training of graduates makes it possible to carry out art educational and research activities in higher education, combining them with the creative practice of artists and/or designers;
The Department of Graphics was founded in 1964 as part of the Faculty of Arts The original name was the Department of Drawing, since 1974 it has been called the Graphics Department.
Educational and creative activities of the Department are mainly focused on
— Training of artist-teachers in drawing, unique graphics, graphic design, graphic printing.
Since 1963 the Department has had its own drawing workshop.
The workshop is equipped with traditional graphic machines: lithography, etching, flat-bed printing.
The curriculum includes the following subjects
— Drawing;
— Methods and technologies of academic drawing;
— Artistic graphics;
— Technology and Methodology of Graphic Arts;
Students learn the classical techniques of etching, linocut, lithography and cardboard engraving; and complete their term and diploma projects using innovative printing techniques.
The department has developed the patent «A unique method of teaching printmaking» and patented at the Federal Service for Intellectual Property (2005).
All the teachers of the department are members of the Union of Artists of Russia and the International Confederation of Artists, the Creative Union of Artists of Russia, laureates of All-Russian and (or) international creative competitions.
Scientific direction of the department:
— Theory and methods of teaching fine arts.
Creative direction of the department:
— Painting.
Teaching methods of painting developed at the department formed the basis of the first textbook «Painting» for students of higher art education in Russia.
Priority direction of teaching painting:
— Realistic image from life (still life, portrait, figure (including nude), landscape.
Basic method:
— The method of constructing proportional colour relations with a holistic perception of nature.
Basic materials and techniques:
— Watercolour (1st year of study),
— Oil painting (2nd-5th years of study).
Free painting styles are used by students to create compositions, course and diploma work.
The Department of Applied and Decorative Arts and Design was established at the Faculty in 1962. Originally it was called the Department of Crafts and Decorative and Applied Arts.
The main areas of specialisation of the Department are:
— Sculpture,
— ceramics,
— Artistic painting on wood and processing of textile materials,
— Computer graphics,
— History of Art,
— Pedagogical, industrial and museum practice,
— Methods of teaching arts and crafts in general education and art schools.
Specialists of the department are members of the Union of Artists and Designers of Russia, winners of international and all-Russian exhibitions and art projects.
The Gallery of Glory, consisting of busts of Kuban State University students and teachers who became heroes of the Soviet Union during the Great Patriotic War, was created for the memorial complex of Kuban State University under the direction of Assistant Professor Alexander Kosyuga.
Theory and methodology of fine arts.
The scientific and methodological developments of the Faculty formed the basis for the first Russian textbook «Painting» (written by Georgiy Beda), which was designed for the system of art and pedagogical education. It serves as a scientific and experimental base for the discipline «Basics of visual education».
The professors of the Faculty supervise dissertations in the field of theory and methodology of professional training of art teachers (postgraduate studies in 5.8.7. — Methodology and Technology of Professional Education).
The teachers of the Faculty are members of international creative unions: International Confederation of Artists, International Social Association «Union of Designers»; members of the Board of the International Association of Art Education Workers.
Every year teachers and students of the Faculty become laureates of international creative competitions in the field of fine and decorative arts, design and computer graphics; they are members of the organising committees of international competitions; they take part in international conferences on the development of art education. Students and postgraduates from Germany, Mexico, China, Syria, Iraq, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Armenia and other countries studied and are studying here.
In 2018, 2019, 2022 a plein air exhibition of Russian and Serbian artists was organised and held in Cacak with the participation of the Faculty. Memoranda of cooperation have been signed between Kuban State University, Cacak City Administration, N. Petrovic Art Gallery, KSPF and the Faculty of Arts of Beihua University (E. Morozkina, Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor, is the project manager with Serbia and China from Russia).
Кафедра английской филологии
Кафедра новогреческой филологии
Вероника Викторовна
д. филол. н., профессор
Зам. декана по научной работе
Кафедра немецкой филологии
Кафедра прикладной лингвистики и новых информационных технологий
Сергей Сергеевич
Зам. декана по цифровому развитию и международным связям
Кафедра французской филологии
Кафедра английского языка в профессиональной сфере