Professor Andrey Ostapenko of Kuban State University visited the Russian-Tajik (Slavic) University. At the Faculty of Russian Philology, Journalism and Media Technologies, he gave an open lecture on «What constitutes a healthy upbringing of a person».
The event was attended by second and third year students of the «Pedagogical Education» course.
The lecture focused on the components necessary for the healthy and satisfying development of a person. Different aspects of education were highlighted, such as physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual development. Special attention was given to the role of the family, education, culture and social environment in the process of forming an individual, as well as the importance of religious tendencies in the education of the young generation.
At the end of the lecture, the participants asked the professor a number of questions, including some about bureaucratic pressure on teachers and about relevant educational trends.
Andrei Ostapenko is a professor at Kuban State University, the Yekaterinodar Theological Seminary, the Krasnodar Regional Institute of Educational Development and the Moscow Spiritual Academy’s Centre for Postgraduate Education. He is also a Doctor of Pedagogics, a current member of the Russian Academy of Social Sciences and the author of more than 800 works on pedagogy, psychology and anthropology.