Tatiana Aleksandrovna Volkova, Associate Professor at the Department of International Tourism and Management of the Kuban State University, has been appointed Chair of the Council. The Coordinating Council is a new advisory and consultative body whose purpose is to ensure the effective functioning of RGS Youth Clubs (and there are currently just over 180 Youth Clubs in Russia and abroad). The Council has been established by the Youth Department of the Executive Directorate of RGS.
Inclusion in the Coordinating Council is the result of the fruitful work of the RGS Youth Club at Kuban State University for several years. Since 2018, the club has shown excellent results both in terms of the number of events held and their quality judging by the participants and experts involved. All this was possible thanks to the support of the club activities by the KubSU administration and the management of the Institute of Geography, Geology, Tourism and Service. It is the competent strategic management, the initiative of the club leadership and activists, as well as the boundless love for geography that have made the KUBGU Youth Club a mouthpiece for the development of the youth geographical movement in the South of Russia.
— There are many RGS youth clubs in our country. Each of them is unique and interesting, each works with a specific contingent and focuses on its subject. That is why the Coordinating Council is necessary. We are sure that thanks to the work of the Council we will be able to help many clubs to develop and achieve excellent results,» said Tatiana Aleksandrovna Volkova, head of the Kuban State University Youth Club.
We would like to remind you that the RGS Youth Club on the basis of KubSU has repeatedly become the best in the country among university clubs and was also awarded the title of the winner of the «NTI Kruzhok movement» competition.